Saturday, 18 August 2007

lfpug meeting

30th August 2007 (30/08/2007)

Cairngorm: Making a Molehill out of a Mountain (19:00 - 20:00) - Neil Webb
If you intend to build enterprise-level Flex applications and work with multiple developers, you will want to keep your code base well structured, promote code reuse and avoid the risk of different developers solving the same problems in different ways - enter Cairngorm.
In this session Neil will walk you through the Cairngorm architectural framework, giving an explanation of what it is, when you may wish to use it and what you need to know in order to get up and running.

Can Code, Will Code: Flex Application Development in 60 Minutes ( 20:15 - 21:15 ) - Mike Jones
Has he gone mad I hear you say. He did say 60 minutes. Yes 60 minutes to develop an application (not a widget). Obviously in the true style of Blue Peter there will be a bit of prep and code for the talk will be available for download before hand.
However the point here is not to stand and lecture on how you can build applications in Flex 2, but to get you to do it as well. So if you have a laptop, a copy of Flex Builder 2 (or the beta of Flex Builder 3) and want to join in this is for you. If you don’t then don’t worry, participation is not mandatory.
What are we going to make… Well let’s keep that a surprise.

Prizes for the free raffle
1 complimentary pass to dconstruct donated by Adobe.
1 copy of The Essential Guide to Flex 2 with ActionScript 3.0 donated by friends of ED.

Sponsored by Adobe & friends of ED.

We will try and broadcast the event live, although the bandwidth at the venue is tight, so again no guarentees, and the number of connections may be limited (first come first served). View the broadcast live here.

Date: 30th August 2007 (30/08/2007)
Time: 19:00 - 23:00 (doors open at 18:30)
Venue: CosmoBar, 50-54 Clerkenwell Road, EC1M 5PS (click for map)
Tube: Barbican

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