Wednesday, 29 August 2007

already finish stage/modification/other problem

already finish stage

Dofl gave modifying image

other problem
1. Luminate paint
It's not delivered yet that's missing somewhere. I had checked them..
I did order again, ex-ordering cancel.
2. modifying team logo
It was seriously not good, so I did modify it for poster.
But it's still not good enough to me.

final Usability Test and feedback

Tuesday, 28 August 2007

done place sensor on the stage

we gonna done stage at tomorrow.

2nd Usability Test

Usability test was conducted with about 12 people in a several groups. I tested with four group of people for the first test and then a few group of people later on at different times.
In the beginning most of them were trying to follow displayed animation instruction on the screen. Most of them understood how to play instrument with animation instruction. It took them a bit of time to play instrument. When they got used to play with them, tried to control sound to make harmony with other sound came from other people. In addition, they are interested in visual information on the screen, created while they were playing instrument and sound. From my observation i found that most of users were confused about visual on the screen. It effected on users to use instrument. For instance, they did not know where they need to place their instrument. After usability test i interviewed them with these qustions which are as follows;

1. Do visual feedback information and sound effect users?
2. Is animation intruduction clear to follow or not?
3. What users think about multiful play?
4. Do they feel interaction with other people while they are playing an interactive installation?
5. Is it easy to play without learning?

In conclusion, all of them agreed on visual feedback information and sound are interesting and unique. They also appricated that ability of control sound and activity performace. In addition, male users were prefer to playing drum instrument because of the sound. Female users from Eastern, played istrument with large movement than Male users from Western. Most of them are agreed on that the instruction could stay on the screen rather than fade out.

From this 2nd usability test. My team and I need to modify both product and visual. For product, i need to redesign clapping instrument to make it simple and keep identity with instruction.
And i need to consider to get rid of stics from drum instrument for usability. Visual also need to change, squre and arrow images make user confuse whether they should place their instrument. Animation instruction also need to modify to stay on the screen rather than fading out.

I've got fianal bug-distance sensor

when I had final usability test on last Friday, testees didn't realise distance sensor's bug. It was sometimes made complicated sound.
I thought that might be script problem.
However, I and Sunghee have almost done product design (Although we are still waiting luminate paint) that the product are fixed on the glass (using glue gun and plastic bond).
The value of distance sensor is stable than before.
So I did change to write stability scripts.
Because unstable value of sensor, it would make 2-3 sound at the same time. Therefore, I did small argument value. But now, it's stable, it's made smooth sound.

Team Logo

I made my team's logo that is very similar from my business card. Sunghee really likes the logo, she strongly recommended that.
It means our teams colour that's simbolise Vitamin which means our work would be helpful for fun and enjoyable.
The Three words mean that what do we want to do in this work.

Other 4 pictures are our work's image for website.

Saturday, 25 August 2007

product with sensor

tutorial Rob and Ron

with Lon

We showed our project scope to Lon. It is ready to test about an interactive installation, sound and visual feedback information, etc. After showing the scope we discussed with Lon about our second usability test plan. we are going to test with four people in a group to obserbe how they are going to play instrument with displayed animation instruction on the screen.
He suggested us few things for the second usability test as are followes;

1. Ask users with same questions
2. To ask about multiful play
3. What they think about control of sound
4. Do sound and visual effect on users
5. How much shape of instrument effect on users
6. Which instrument is the most control of and which one users want to go for
7. Find out how people react, use and effect with an interactive installation.
8. What they think about given animation instruction whether it is easy to follow or not.
9. Video usability test and to analyze users reation.

usability test result

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

2nd test visual/sound

Dofl give me sounds/visual file from flash file.
Although we had appointment code name and ways, I find out a lot of bugs from sensors and visual/sound are not matched.

Especially, one of light sensor(clapping) and distance sensor.
The light sensor is fine now, it's argument value problem but I cannot solute distance sensor. The sounds are not complicated and smooth.

replace & redesign Product

from sensors

got debugs-tilt sensor

I've been considering about controlling a tilt sensor

Yong has been working on sensors with product scope in flash. She is programing action script and measuring sensor working distance, etc.

Dofl has been working on feedback information design with sensors and sound. He is testing how those materials are working together at the same time. It seems they are pretty good as they are playing. As long as when he has first version of it. he is going to test with projector and table screen in the sound studio.

We are going to 2nd usability test on monday to see how users are playing with instrument without instruction and what they think of cooperative interactive installation.

tutorial with Rob

- Checked/confirmed process
- Learning contract
- helping to buy Screen/bollowing some equipment/facility(sorlder)

Before the tutorial Rob recommend my team via mailing

ordered luminate paint and screen

I ordered luminate paint via website for product.
Because our product will place very dark space, so it must to realise by user. I has considered about it since my team has been sound studio.

I ordered 2 meter from the shop that Rob helped it. I and Dofl has worked with small size of screen since testing visual and working sensors on the screen. It will be perfact.

Saturday, 18 August 2007

lfpug meeting

30th August 2007 (30/08/2007)

Cairngorm: Making a Molehill out of a Mountain (19:00 - 20:00) - Neil Webb
If you intend to build enterprise-level Flex applications and work with multiple developers, you will want to keep your code base well structured, promote code reuse and avoid the risk of different developers solving the same problems in different ways - enter Cairngorm.
In this session Neil will walk you through the Cairngorm architectural framework, giving an explanation of what it is, when you may wish to use it and what you need to know in order to get up and running.

Can Code, Will Code: Flex Application Development in 60 Minutes ( 20:15 - 21:15 ) - Mike Jones
Has he gone mad I hear you say. He did say 60 minutes. Yes 60 minutes to develop an application (not a widget). Obviously in the true style of Blue Peter there will be a bit of prep and code for the talk will be available for download before hand.
However the point here is not to stand and lecture on how you can build applications in Flex 2, but to get you to do it as well. So if you have a laptop, a copy of Flex Builder 2 (or the beta of Flex Builder 3) and want to join in this is for you. If you don’t then don’t worry, participation is not mandatory.
What are we going to make… Well let’s keep that a surprise.

Prizes for the free raffle
1 complimentary pass to dconstruct donated by Adobe.
1 copy of The Essential Guide to Flex 2 with ActionScript 3.0 donated by friends of ED.

Sponsored by Adobe & friends of ED.

We will try and broadcast the event live, although the bandwidth at the venue is tight, so again no guarentees, and the number of connections may be limited (first come first served). View the broadcast live here.

Date: 30th August 2007 (30/08/2007)
Time: 19:00 - 23:00 (doors open at 18:30)
Venue: CosmoBar, 50-54 Clerkenwell Road, EC1M 5PS (click for map)
Tube: Barbican

Friday, 17 August 2007

lighting for stage

I need some spot lights in the product because of light sensors and distance sensor. In the distance sensor, the value is slightly different with light power and it is more sensitive than light sensor.
Although, I need dark place for a projection, I should use any light. Therefore, I chose a spot light.
As my research (it's only online), a professional spot light is expensive but normal 4 spot light are from £12 to £25 including 4 lights. (our instruments are 4)
According to team meeting, I and Sunghee will goto homebase and IKEA on Sunday.

And, personally, I think, I'm going to buy blue flore light for a beautiful stage.

I've done- only first handout

But I cannot receive a tilt sensor yet.

and Dofl recommends reducing bug of AC methods.

I will change argument values from light and very detail distance.

Thursday, 16 August 2007

take a uni computer

resetting sensor kit
resetting instruments and sensor.
The sensors are fine but the electronic lines are very weak and sensitive.
Now, I have fixed only tape that is not enough, I think.
I should find out the solution.

set up fake installation

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

misorder tilt sensor

I had ordered tilt sensor at last week. Also I did pay already as my role.
I had checked there use first mail and paid.
But we are still wait that because the site( use only USPS(I don't understand it's not good for international post)
There has a standard only America, so the USPS is cheaper than other service also there has contract from USPS.

I'm learning more and more even very small things, when I order foreign site, I should ask mail option via phone call or mailing before ordering. Do not ask only stuff.
I though only the sensor is suitable for control kit because I could not find out other site.

It's my fault.

Hence, they said I can deliver at this Saturday.
So i will be able to take at next Monday.

learning contract

set up stage and measuring other stuff

control sensor and product design

Accidentally, I did icon design when I help to making instrument.

control all sensors

Friday, 10 August 2007

Projector Test, Set up control kit, ordered Acrylic pannel

Projector Test: Supported by Rob
we gonna use at sound studio where has good quality speekers, setting projector at celling, test table, dark place(I'm not sure my project needs dark place, I may set light for photocell sensors), very calm and we will not interrupt other teams.
Anyhow, Rob support the place, more high quality projector, screw driver... many equipments and facilities.
So we had checked distance and image size between projector and table via mirror.

Through this, I ordered Acrylic pannel at Maybe I will deliver on Monday that checked via phone call. Also film.

I set up control kit at afternoon. I've done until connect a photocell sensor which is as right foot step. Last 2 days, I spend all my times to set controller kit but, very curiously, it was work(checked light on) but just some software problem. According to some advice throughout forum in makingthings site, I had 9 assumptions.

1. Flash Version(Rob recommended as well); because this control kit has made at 2006, Maybe It's suitable with Flash 7 or 8 OR Actionscripts 2.0.I did try Flash 9 trial version and AC 3.0.
=>changing Flash 8, AC 2.0. But It was still same problem.
2. checking and changing Ethernet IP address
3. checking Terminal on/off
4. checking MK program on/off
5. checking Ethernet line and USB line
6. changing another sensor
7. changing another kit (my team have spare sensor and control kit that Dofl's privet own.)
8. rethink Logic
9. Extra reason
2-5 assumptions are from MK site.

Finally, the reason was that I should turn off MK program.
Hence, now, it work that connect right side step but it has not yet sound source because it will be change so Dofl will give to me visual/sound source at next week.

Thursday, 9 August 2007

Dofl has done work

Dofl & I had got delivered 2 sets of control kit & sensor.
we tried test from yesterday. He has already done for sound control. But I'm still connect sensor.
I want to finish setting up sensor kit before I will get sound sources from Dofl.
I asked a lot, but it's still so far.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

2nd tutorial with Rob.

I had shown Rob what we have done so far such as product scope, usability test with video, sound, visual plan, stage plan and software plan.

He commented on our product both negative and positive

Good point
It will be good to be allowed people control/play sound.
It may extend target that another people will enjoy to play product. (for example, children)
It will be strong interactive to get feedback with visual/sound.

Bed point
People might get bored with sound contents.
He recommended some solutions, for example,
1. To discover more interesting or exciting sounds.
2. we should consider about USER which means if they want to record playing their sounds or music, or to wonder sounds dimension we will show it.

Other Comment
About interface;
We have to consider using Symbol/Icon because How do they play music instruments without symbol? It was my argument thing. As his recommend, we will put some symbols/icons. It will to use easier.

Users want to explore new one rather than being tall.

Next our task
More explore using sensors/sensor kit with product.
Developing product designs.
To try testing with normal mirror/acrylic mirror with projector for the stage design
To develop stage/sound/visual plans.
Checking our place. It will be room of sound department. There has a great sound woopers (speakers), dark place, do not interrupt other teams.

As my role, I had shown to confirm this the loop diagram for Action/ Action script logic how is it logical to make product.

Fundamental Idea Loop

The loop of interactive interface

Although I didn't show the Algorithm Development, he didn't mention about it.
I think I should do that our product will work very well, only concentration.

swapping values from light sensors

The sensor values move clips and control their timelines, however i wish to reverse the incoming values on one sensor to control volume. So i want volume to be = to 0 when sensor value = 1023. and volume to proportionally increase to 100 when sensor value drops to 0.

newvalue = ( (1023 - incomingvalue) * 100 ) / 1023

I have adapted the code slightly, it gives a good reverse set of values scaled down between 0 and 100, I have added the math.round to get rid of the long numbers!. Tried to cut it down to one calculation using Math.round but for some reason it would not work. But it works, so thanks.

ratio2 = Math.round((1023 - ain1)* 100) / 1023;
ratio1 = Math.round (ratio2);

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Test MT controller kit

the Front Silvered Glass Mirror

When our team were talking about stage design plan (How does sensor work especially, distance sensor? How many centimeters the distance sensor doing work? when I did show the visual things, how does it appear? table size, projector distance, where do I set up projector? etc..
Rob recommended 'the Front Silvered Mirror'

Because the visual feedback of product will be shown via a projector, it will set up celling or floor. But a projector cannot work as like that because of fan, lens,,,by weigh. So Rob recommended 'the Front Silvered Mirror'.

Hence, I found out some information and price of the Front Silvered Mirror via searching Internet.

What is the Front Silvered Mirror?
"A typical household mirror is a sheet of clear glass with the reflective silver coating applied to the back. This means that the reflective surface of the mirror is protected by the layer of glass itself. The drawback to this is you can sometimes see double reflections - light reflected both from the surface of the glass and from the silvered rear surface.
Front silvered mirrors have the silver coating applied to the front. They therefore avoid the problem of double reflections but are extremely vulnerable to damage, as the silvered surface is exposed. Such mirrors are commonly used in SLR cameras."

NK Guy, PhotoNotes, 3/Apr/2002, <> [07/Aug/07]

Front silvered mirrors, where the reflecting surface is placed on the front surface of the glass, have a better image quality but are easily scratched and damaged."
from wikipedia, 6/Aug/2007 <> [7/Aug/2007]

We found out acrylic front silvered mirror, it's cheap that £10 (50*50cm). But it's problem because if I'm going to use near projector, it will be slightly bend. But just try! also normal mirror.

Why do I use 'the Front Silvered Mirror Glass'?

"In a plane mirror, a parallel beam of light changes its direction as a whole, while still remaining parallel; the images formed by a plane mirror are virtual images, of the same size as the original object (see mirror image). There are also concave mirrors, where a parallel beam of light becomes a convergent beam, whose rays intersect in the focus of the mirror. Lastly, there are convex mirrors, where a parallel beam becomes divergent, with the rays appearing to diverge from a common intersection "behind" the mirror. Spherical concave and convex mirrors do not focus parallel rays to a single point due to spherical aberration. However, the ideal of focusing to a point is a commonly-used approximation. Parabolic reflectors resolve this, allowing incoming parallel rays (for example, light from a distant star) to be focused to a small spot; almost an ideal point. Parabolic reflectors are not suitable for imaging nearby objects because the light rays are not parallel.

A beam of light reflects off a mirror at an angle of reflection that is equal to its angle of incidence (if the size of a mirror is much larger than the wavelength of light). That is, if the beam of light is shining on a mirror's surface at a 30° angle from vertical, then it reflects from the point of incidence at a 30° angle from vertical in the opposite direction.

This law mathematically follows from the interference of a plane wave on a flat boundary (of much larger size than the wavelength)."

from wikipedia, 6/Aug/2007 <> [7/Aug/2007]

If I need real the Front Silvered Glass Mirror, I will take this. But it's small & heavy. <>

we've got mail from expert he said we may be able to use normal mirror.
we are going to try.

ordered Tilt sensor

I need tilt sensor for shaking product.
To order dimensionengineering homepage after comparing other site. There has ±2g and Buffered ±5g Accelerometers. According to discuss with Dofl, I chose Buffered ±5g Accelerometer. Because ±2g Accelerometer will do too much sensibility. (my distance sensor is too much sensible.)

more information

I ordered 2 pieces because Dofl want to keep his own. It will deliver to school.
when we ordered sensor & controller kit, I used Dofl's address(I cannot use my address from live alone). That was also redeliver. I don't want to do mistake again.

thre 1st Prototype test

- Questionair
- Interview
- taking video
- transelate movie file
- upload server

the Loop of interactive interface

Sensors & controler kit arrive

setup controller kit and test

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Usability Test Question

we have usability tutorial at tommorrow morning.
I had researched about our TARGET, Solutions, source for usability Test.

Music Theraphiest Site
American Music Therapy Association cc
Canadian Association for Music Therapy

General Usability test

Ordering & requestion to sensor site

we has already ordered a Make Controller Kit, Photocell, IR Distance Measuring Sensor and extra Accessories from makingthings website ( We may use a tilt sensor by our team meeting but it do not sell at makingthings website. SO, I did request about tilt sensor to makingthings and dimensionengineering (

This two site are not bad sensor shopping mall.

Installation motivation about music Theraphy

Michael Greene, President & CEO of NARAS - 1997 Grammy Awards:
"When we look at the body of evidence that the arts contribute to our society, it's absolutely astounding. Music Therapists are breaking down the walls of silence and affliction of autism, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease."
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.):
"Simply put, music can heal people."
Sen. Harry Reid:
"Music helps all types of people to remain forever young." He noted that Congress had never before "directly addressed the question of music" as preventive medicine and as "a therapeutic tool for those suffering from Alzheimer's disease and related dementias, strokes and depression." Mickey Hart (Grateful Dead):
"(Rhythm) is there in the cycles of the seasons, in the migrations of the birds and animals, in the fruiting and withering of plants, and in the birth, maturation and death of ourselves," Hart told a Senate panel studying music therapy. Ida Goldman (90-year-old testifying at Senate hearings):
"Before I had surgery, they told me I could never walk again. But when I sat and listened to music, I forgot all about the pain," said Goldman, who walked with assistance during the hearing. Sen. Harry Reid:
"Music therapy is much more complicated than playing records in nursing homes. Therapists are trained in psychology, group interaction, and the special needs of the elderly."
Dr. Oliver Sacks ("Awakenings"):
Dr. Sacks reports that patients with neurological disorders who cannot talk or move are often able to sing, and sometimes even dance, to music. Its advocates say music therapy also can help ease the trauma of grieving, lessen depression and provide an outlet for people who are otherwise withdrawn. Dr. Clive Robbins (Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Clinic):
"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Nordoff-Robbins uses music therapy to help 100 handicapped children learn and to relate and communicate with others.
Barbara Crowe (past president of the National Association for Music Therapy):
"(Music therapy) can make the difference between withdrawal and awareness, between isolation and interaction, between chronic pain and comfort -- between demoralization and dignity."
Oliver Sacks, M.D.:
"I regard music therapy as a tool of great power in many neurological disorders -- Parkinson's and Alzheimer's -- because of its unique capacity to organize or reorganize cerebral function when it has been damaged."
Mathew Lee (Acting Director, Rusk Institute, New York):
"Music therapy has been an invaluable tool with many of our rehabilitation patients. There is no question that the relationship of music and medicine will blossom because of the advent of previously unavailable techniques that can now show the effects of music."

What is music therapy?
Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music
interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic
relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved
music therapy program. (American Music Therapy Association definition,
Music Therapy is an established health profession in which music is used within a therapeutic relationship to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals. After assessing the strengths and needs of each client, the qualified music therapist provides the indicated treatment including creating, singing, moving to, and/or listening to music. Through musical involvement in the therapeutic context, clients' abilities are strengthened and transferred to other areas of their lives. Music therapy also provides avenues for communication that can be helpful to those who find it difficult to express themselves in words. Research in music therapy supports its effectiveness in many areas such as: overall physical rehabilitation and facilitating movement, increasing people's motivation to become engaged in their treatment, providing emotional support for clients and their families, and providing an outlet for expression of feelings.

Music Therapy is an established healthcare profession that uses music to address physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs of individuals of all ages. Music therapy improves the quality of life for persons who are well and meets the needs of children and adults with disabilities or illnesses. Music therapy interventions can be designed to:
· promote wellness
· manage stress
· alleviate pain
· express feelings
· enhance memory
· improve communication
· promote physical rehabilitation

What do music therapists do?

Music therapists assess emotional well-being, physical health, social functioning, communication abilities, and cognitive skills through musical responses; design music sessions for individuals and groups based on client needs using music improvisation, receptive music listening, song writing, lyric discussion, music and imagery, music performance, and learning through music; participate in interdisciplinary treatment planning, ongoing evaluation, and follow up.

Who can benefit from music therapy?

Children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly with mental health needs, developmental and learning disabilities, Alzheimer's disease and other aging related conditions, substance abuse problems, brain injuries, physical disabilities, and acute and chronic pain, including mothers in labor.

Where do music therapists work?

Music therapists work in psychiatric hospitals, rehabilitative facilities, medical hospitals, outpatient clinics, day care treatment centers, agencies serving developmentally disabled persons, community mental health centers, drug and alcohol programs, senior centers, nursing homes, hospice programs, correctional facilities, halfway houses, schools, and private practice.

What is the history of music therapy as a health care profession?

The idea of music as a healing influence which could affect health and behavior is as least as old as the writings of Aristotle and Plato. The 20th century discipline began after World War I and World War II when community musicians of all types, both amateur and professional, went to Veterans hospitals around the country to play for the thousands of veterans suffering both physical and emotional trauma from the wars. The patients' notable physical and emotional responses to music led the doctors and nurses to request the hiring of musicians by the hospitals. It was soon evident that the hospital musicians needed some prior training before entering the facility and so the demand grew for a college curriculum. The first music therapy degree program in the world, founded at Michigan State University in 1944, celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1994. The American Music Therapy Association was founded in 1998 as a union of the National Association for Music Therapy and the American Association for Music therapy.

What are some misconceptions about music therapy?

That the client or patient has to have some particular music ability to benefit from music therapy -- they do not. That there is one particular style of music that is more therapeutic than all the rest -- this is not the case. All styles of music can be useful in effecting change in a client or patient's life. The individual's preferences, circumstances and need for treatment, and the client or patient's goals help to determine the types of music a music therapist may use.

How can music therapy techniques be applied by healthy individuals?

Healthy individuals can use music for stress reduction via active music making, such as drumming, as well as passive listening for relaxation. Music is often a vital support for physical exercise. Music therapy assisted labor and delivery may also be included in this category since pregnancy is regarded as a normal part of women's life cycles.

How is music therapy utilized in hospitals?
Music is used in general hospitals to: alleviate pain in conjunction with anesthesia or pain medication: elevate patients' mood and counteract depression; promote movement for physical rehabilitation; calm or sedate, often to induce sleep; counteract apprehension or fear; and lesson muscle tension for the purpose of relaxation, including the autonomic nervous system.

How is music therapy utilized in nursing homes?
Music is used with elderly persons to increase or maintain their level of physical, mental, and social/emotional functioning. The sensory and intellectual stimulation of music can help maintain a person's quality of life.

How is music therapy utilized in schools?
Music therapists are often hired in schools to provide music therapy services listed on the Individualized Education Plan for mainstreamed special learners. Music learning is used to strengthen nonmusical areas such as communication skills and physical coordination skills which are important for daily life.

How is music therapy utilized in psychiatric facilities?
Music therapy allows persons with mental health needs to: explore personal feelings, make positive changes in mood and emotional states, have a sense of control over life through successful experiences, practice problem solving, and resolve conflicts leading to stronger family and peer relationships.

Is music therapy a reimbursable service?
- Medicare
Since 1994, music therapy has been identified as a reimbursable service under benefits for Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP). Falling under the heading of Activity Therapy, the interventions cannot be purely recreational or diversionary in nature and must be individualized and based on goals specified in the treatment plan. The current HCPCS Code for PHP is G0176.
The music therapy must be considered an active treatment by meeting the following criteria:
Be prescribed by a physician;
Be reasonable and necessary for the treatment of the individual’s
illness or injury;
Be goal directed and based on a documented treatment plan;
The goal of treatment cannot be to merely maintain current level of
functioning; the individual must exhibit some level of improvement.

- Medicaid
As Medicaid programs vary from state-to-state, so do the Medicaid coverage avenues for music therapy services. Some private practice music therapists have successfully applied for Medicaid provider numbers within their states. Some states offer waiver programs in which music therapy can be covered. In some situations, although music therapy is not specifically listed as a covered service, due to functional outcomes achieved, music therapy interventions can fall under an existing treatment category such as community support, rehabilitation, or habilitation.

From American Music Therapy Association (2004), AMTA, < >